Myths About Adult Transsexual She-males

There are one million people in America who are transgender. Despite this fact, most of doesn’t know about them. Even a lot of feminists feel it challenging to distinguish identity from identity, the term from term and myth from reality. Can you, your friend or anyone from your family define the term? The answer will be negative. But why people know so little about them? When it comes to gender and sex, transsexual people are breaking the preset rules and customs. Patriarchy is the very essence of or existence which everyone should comply with. These transsexual people break it, so they must be silenced!

A Marginalized Community

This community is not represented in politics, government or media. They cannot freely express themselves. They live in a society that fears them. They are not even safe in their own home. We don’t see them as humans. We don’t know them. If they live their lives in open, they are termed as freaks, deviants and perverts. They are called the wrong people. They are even hated, hurt and murdered. When they are in the media limelight, they are termed as over-sexualized. They are uncontrollable freaks. They are presented as drugged out prostitutes. They are identified wrongly as flamboyant drag queens. But who is wrong? Who is right? Do don’t know it.

Here are a few myths about transsexual she-male adults.

Transsexual People Live Crazy Lives

This is the most common concept about transsexual she-males. The people categorize them as living a crazy lifestyle. This notion is based on TV and in the movies. This may include drag performance, hyper-masculine or hyper-feminine behavior, drugs or prostitution. This behavior is equally related to Trans and non-Trans people. It is part of their life. They go to work, by groceries and kiss their kids’ goodnight. They go to watch movies etc. these are our people. They have thoughts and emotions like other people.


Transsexual people are familiar and ordinary people like us. If a person has a different transsexual behavior, it does not mean he is not normal. They have sex. They are females, males and intersex. Tran’s people have a gender. They are men, women, queer and all other things that we are. They know their sexual behavior, and they know about themselves. It can be confusing to us who inhabit more traditional gender roles. For transsexual persons, it is no more complicated. It is just their category or identity. This is a social problem, not a gender identity problem.

Transsexual She-males Are Mentally Disturbed

This is another baseless notion. Though some transsexual she-males are undergoing mental illness, it is not a general rule. It is not because of their gender identity. Its reason is related to a patriarchal society. If you are gender variant, you feel distressed. It may sound a kind of mental disorder. This diagnosis is helpful if a person is hurt. We need to help him. We should not look down upon him instead. Transsexual people have the same brain as we have.